Sourcing a freelance videographer to work for your company can be tricky. Obviously, they need to represent you in the best way possible but at the same time must be skilled enough to deliver the job to a high standard and be reasonably priced.
Within the video world, there are always new trends and something new to learn. Increasingly stressed-out production companies and individuals are looking for smart, cost-effective ways to profit from new projects without taking up too much of their time.
It’s Ok To Admit Defeat
This may be the age for do-it-yourself filmmaking however unless you’ve got a lot of extra time on your hands (and you possess a great amount of patience) you’ll be better off hiring a freelance videographer to help you with your project.
The reason for this is that a videographer already has the skills, experience and kit required to get the job done. In fact, knowing when and how to outsource a project or problem by calling in freelance talent can be the salvation of any small production company as it allows you to focus on your strengths.
Hiring A Videographer Permanently
You could however obviously it all boils down to time and money, working with a freelance videographer is a great way for companies to grow their business without having to increase their headcount.
When you start to look at the videographer rates, they may seem high however you need to realistically work out the costs of having an in-house member of staff. Once you start considering the costs of wages, holiday pay, time spent interviewing, office rent etc it starts to make sense to hire a videographer on a project to project basis.
How To Find A Good Videographer
Well, it can be a long-term relationship so you need to take time to make sure you and the freelancer make a good fit. Here are some quick tips to help you narrow down the search.
1. Know what you want
As a videographer, there is nothing more frustrating than working with a client who doesn’t really know what they want, as it delays the process and prolongs the delivery.
So, first and foremost, before you even consider taking a freelancer on, you must have a full understanding of what it is you want. Once you have a clear brief of what you require and the skills that are needed, you can ask the right questions.
2. Showreel
Check out their showreel and simply ask yourself does this impress me? Look for a showreel that grabs your attention from the beginning and keeps you engaged throughout. Things like complex scenes, cool and clever transitions between shots.
When looking at their reel you should also pay attention to how much passion is in their work. Even if it’s a simple promotional video it should tell a story and create an emotional response that gives you a direct connection to the product.
Finally, video production is almost always a team sport so be sure to find out what they did exactly within each video project.
3. Technical Skills
Look at their skills and education to see how long they have been working and what kit they are trained in. Check out their kit list and see if this is what you require and will integrate with what you have in-house.
Look for a videographer whose previous experience and style match the style of the video you are envisioning. Some people may have outstanding skills and experience but they might not actually be a good fit for you.
4. Passion
Although we have already mentioned this however it is important and your gut feeling plays an important role here. Ideally, you want to hire a freelance videographer that not only loves their craft but that also believes in your project (and is looking forward to working with you).
5. Price
Yes, it seems strange to list this last however you should not compromise on a job just because of costs. Obviously, it’s best to work out a rate or get a rough quote to confirm costs before undertaking a project however this should be last on your list.
Now you’re all set to go. Good luck!