Let’s cut to the chase; film set safety is essential. It’s legally the producer’s responsibility to ensure the safety of their cast and crew at all times.
So, before you or any of your crew step foot on set, get schooled up on the basics of film set safety with these easy-to-follow do’s and don’ts.
Don’t Skip the Prep
It goes without saying that preparation is the key to success in any aspect of filmmaking. Therefore, it shouldn’t be any different when it comes to film set safety – so don’t let it be an afterthought.
You want to get ahead on your health and safety early on in pre-production.
Read the Script
The producer concerns themselves with how to navigate the health and safety of a film shoot from the moment they read the script. Consider how the action will take place and determine what aspects of film set safety should be factored into the budget.
For example, employing a stunt coordinator, a nurse, any security or specific safety measures, and PPE equipment.
Consult a Film Set Safety Supervisor
Did you know that there are people in the filmmaking industry whose sole job is to supervise and assist with film set safety?
Safety Supervisors are extremely helpful and worth their weight in gold.
Essentially, you should engage a film Safety Supervisor in pre-production to provide professional guidance on how to minimize risks on set.
Additionally, they can help you complete your Risk Assessment (more on this below).
Ensure HOD’s Eyeball Locations
It’s vital that you, your 1st AD, and the heads of department (HODs) get to see your location well in advance of the shoot. Do what’s known as a tech recce so that you can organize the health and safety measures required prior to principal photography.
In addition, the safety supervisor should attend the recce to help you complete your risk assessment afterward.
Get Your Documentation Ducks in a Row
From scripts to storyboards, call sheets to contracts, films can be very paperwork heavy. There are also some important film set safety documents that you need on top of those more obvious ones.
For example, a risk assessment, as well as accident/incident report forms, should be created. Some production companies also provide a general health and safety form for the crew to read and sign.
The bottom line is that you can never be too careful when it comes to taking care of your crew’s welfare on set.
Complete a Full Risk Assessment
A risk assessment (RA) is a detailed document completed by a qualified Producer or Safety Supervisor.
Importantly, it is a legal document that needs to be done for every film shoot, no matter how small. It lists the possible health and safety risks and hazards that may occur on your film set.
Furthermore, it includes the severity of injury that could occur and the practical control measures you will implement in order to minimize the risk of injury.
Basically, it’s a great way of documenting how you’ll aim to make your film set safe. It should be read by all the crew before filming commences, and it should be reviewed and amended when anything changes with your shoot.
Cover Yourself and Get Insured
Making a film is like setting up a company, where, similarly, the liability falls with the production company. Therefore, you should make sure you get the film production insurance.
For example, Public Liability insurance is a minimum requirement since film set safety doesn’t stop with your cast and crew.
Public Liability insurance protects you against any claims from a member of the public who might get injured on your set. It also covers any property damage caused as a result of filming activity.
For example, any locations that are open to the public. Location owners will expect to see your Public Liability certificate before agreeing to any filming.
It’s All In The Call Sheet
Your call sheet should say more than simply where and when filming takes place. It’s the go-to document to give your crew the lowdown on everything relating to film set safety too.
Your call sheet should include the general safety rules that are relevant to all film sets. Here’s a free template below.
Not sure what they are used for? Then keep reading…
Don’t Fret on Set. Do a safety brief
Your AD should brief everyone at the start of your filming day. They’ll reiterate what’s scheduled to be shot, as well as what to watch out for safety-wise.
Ideally, they should also provide a friendly reminder of the basics of film set safety. However, if not, then here are a few general do’s and don’ts.
- Wear appropriate footwear: Closed-in, toe-covered footwear must be worn on set.
- Take an 11-hour break between shoots: Crew must ensure that they have had the appropriate rest time from the completion of their last job to the commencement of work at crew call.
- Report safety concerns immediately: Speak to the AD or Producer about any concerns or observations of unsafe work.
- Locate the First Aid Kit: Production should always provide a first aid kit and notify crew as to where it will be located on set.
- Provide nearest hospital/medical emergency contact details: This should be on the call sheet and reiterated to crew on set.
- Notify crew who the First Aider is: This should be someone qualified and available to attend to any medical issues on set.
- Point out the emergency assembly area: Identify this at each location and have the AD tell the crew at the start of the shoot.
- Employ correct heavy lifting techniques: Lift using the legs, not the back and ask for help when a two-man lift if required.
- Plug it in until you’re given the OK: Ask a member of Electrics before connecting any appliance on set.
- Delay reporting accidents: All crew is responsible for reporting potential hazards, incidents, accidents, and near misses immediately.
- Smoke on set: This applies to all areas of a location. Crew should leave the location during designated breaks if they wish to smoke.
- Drink alcohol or take illicit drugs: No one should attend a shoot under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and they must be safely removed from the set if they are.
- Harass anyone: Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated on set and crew should speak up if they witness harassment towards them or anyone else.
- Forget to slip, slop, and slap on the sunscreen: Be sun safe. Top up sunscreen regularly, wear a hat, and stay hydrated on exterior shoots.
Wrapping Up
To sum up, film set safety should always be treated as a priority.
Likewise, all crew should be encouraged to take it seriously and acknowledge its importance. After all, your responsibility as a producer is to ensure their well-being. So, it’s in their best interest that you do your best when it comes to film set safety.
Ultimately, we want to remind readers that shortcuts are never wise when it comes to health and safety in filmmaking. It’s never worth the risk because the worst things can happen to the best of us.
So, follow our guidance, do further research, and always ask for help from a safety professional. And stay safe, on and off set, folks.